Azure Holland Mobile Veterinary Service is excited to be participating in this year’s SPCA K9-3K Dog Walk and post-race festival on Saturday, April 2 at Koka Booth Amphitheatre in Cary. The K9-3K Dog Walk is a benefit walk event to help homeless pets, plus a day of family-friendly, dog-friendly festivities. The event consists of a 1.8 mile (3 km) walk plus festivities that draw over 4,000 people and 1,000 dogs each year. More than 60 vendors and sponsors offer pet-related products, and participants enjoy food, music, demonstrations and contests. It’s fun for people of all ages, and dogs love the opportunity to socialize, to sniff and be sniffed. In its 17th year, this annual event is held rain or shine. Make sure to come by our booth in the vendor village from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. We’ll have fun goodies and treats for you and your family – including your fur babies too! It will be a great party for all! For more information, please visit: If you are looking for something a little different that day but just as fun, we are also excited to be a sponsoring a water station at the NC Veterinarian School’s IronDog 5K also on Saturday, April 2nd. The 5K is at 10 a.m. at NC State Centennial Campus. NC State IRONDOG is a charity that raises money for animals whose owners cannot aff ord their medical care. IRONDOG members raise pledges for completion of endurance athletic events. For more information, please visit:
Join us for SPCA K-9 – 3K Dog Walk this Saturday April 2nd!