I will never forget the day in 2005 when I brought Peyton home for the first time. He was only nine weeks old and was so unbelievably cute! It was like having a baby – he needed constant attention, which wasn’t hard to give as I fell in love with him immediately. Everyone else fell in love with him, too… he was the sweetest dog in the world. All he ever wanted to do was play, eat, snuggle, and received as many belly scratches as possible. 🙂
Peyton and I spent seven wonderful years together until the time came for him to no longer be in pain. For months I woke up every morning hoping that the meds would work and that his pain would diminish, but it just wasn’t in the cards for my little buddy. I am comforted that the last new friend he made in this world was Dr. Holland, who he took to immediately.
Enjoy Rainbow Bridge, buddy… mama loves you.