This time of the year more than most I hear a lot of my friends having to make unnecessary trips to the Vet’s office which is not a fun place most of the time, however, since my Mom works there, I don’t mind visiting.
The tree is a lot of fun and many friends have had trouble with those light cords. I have asked my mom and Dad to unplug the cord just to be safe while they are out.
My Mom tells me that during the holidays she sees more ingested items such as ornaments, parts of presents and other decorations which can lead to expensive surgeries, so get your pet parents to look out for small items like this and put the breakable smaller ornaments up higher on the tree.
I love this time of the year the most for new food items to sample, but I am told they are not good for me and that I need to stick to my cat food. Human food can be high in sugar and carbohydrates that are bad for me and can lead to long term health conditions that are no fun.
So stay safe out there, and resist all efforts to be put in a costume! As you can see I have not been successful.
By Pecan Pie (with assistance from Dr. Holland)